What’s Goin’ On at KV?See all the latest pics of activities Academics and StuffCourse Materials OnlineMrs Butler explains the new math courses.Transcript request for current studentsCourse and Program Descriptions 2010/2011Exam RegulationsLearning ResourcesLibraryStudent HandbookHonor RollMarksWondering where to find out about scholarships? Some Miscellaneous StuffWant to get involved in a school club or activity?”Citizenship AwardSchool CheersThe Six Pillars of CharacterThe Work Room Survival GuideHow to FailSecrets of Straight A StudentsEssay Writing and PlagiarismContact a guidance counsellor. Mrs. Morrison or Mr. Howe.Aspects of MaturityBehave . . . How should I?Grade 9 Guide to KVHS School PoliciesAnti-HarassmentApplied and Level 3 Exemption PolicyAttendance PolicyCode of ConductDress CodePositive Learning Environment Policy (703)Student Ranking Policy